Saturday, May 19, 2007


The following posting is by the distinguished former Senator from Tennessee, Fred Thompson about illegal immigration that has flooded our country. I am speaking about “illegal immigrants” and not immigrants. There is a difference. One is legal one is not legal.
I’ll let Fred do the talking this time.

The Immigration Bill: Comprehensive or Incomprehensible?
By Fred Thompson

"Most Americans know that we have an illegal immigration problem in this country, with perhaps as many as 20 million people residing here unlawfully. And I think most Americans have a pretty good idea about how to at least start solving the problem – secure our nation’s borders.
But there’s an old saying in Washington that, in dealing with any tough issue, half the politicians hope that citizens don’t understand it while the other half fear that people actually do. This kind of thinking was apparent with the “comprehensive” immigration reform bill that the U.S. Senate and the White House negotiated yesterday.
I’d tell you what was in the legislation, but 24 hours after the politicians agreed the bill looked good, the Senate lawyers were still writing what may turn out to be a one thousand page document. In fact, a final version of the bill most likely will not be made available to the public until after the legislation is passed. That may come five days from now. That’s like trying to digest an eight-course meal on a fifteen-minute lunch break.
We’ve tried the “comprehensive” route before to solve the illegal immigration problem with a bit more care and deliberation, and the results haven’t been good. Back in May 1985, Congress promised us that it would come up with a comprehensive plan to solve the problem of illegal immigration and our porous borders. Eighteen months later, in November 1986, that comprehensive plan was signed into law.
Twenty-two years and millions of illegal immigrants later, that comprehensive plan hasn’t done what most Americans wanted it to do -- secure America’s borders. Now Washington says the new “comprehensive” plan will solve the problem that the last comprehensive plan didn’t.
The fact is our border and immigration systems are still badly broken. We were reminded of this when Newsweek reported that the family of three of the men, arrested last week for allegedly plotting to kill American military personnel at Fort Dix, New Jersey, entered the U.S. illegally more than 20 years ago; filed for asylum back in 1989, but fell off the government’s radar screen when federal bureaucrats essentially lost track of the paperwork. Wonder how many times that’s been replicated?
Is it any wonder that a lot of folks today feel like they’re being sold a phony bill of goods on border security? A “comprehensive” plan doesn’t mean much if the government can’t accomplish one of its most basic responsibilities for its citizens -- securing its borders. A nation without secure borders will not long be a sovereign nation.
No matter how much lipstick Washington tries to slap onto this legislative pig, it’s not going to win any beauty contests. In fact, given Congress’s track record, the bill will probably get a lot uglier -- at least from the public’s point of view. And agreeing to policies before actually seeing what the policies are is a heck of a way to do business.
We should scrap this “comprehensive” immigration bill and the whole debate until the government can show the American people that we have secured the borders -- or at least made great headway. That would give proponents of the bill a chance to explain why putting illegals in a more favorable position than those who play by the rules is not really amnesty."

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Monday, May 14, 2007

Bury the Boot

Accountable. By definition accountable means liable to account for one's actions. Whatever happened to the accountability of OUR government?
Yes, it is our government. Our elected representatives.
I am not talking about President Bush. Of course, if you watch the evening news everything that goes wrong in the world is his fault. I think he has done a pretty good job with the hand he’s been dealt.
I am talking about those who claim to be your representatives. And, if you are like me, you didn’t vote for eighty-five percent of the jackasses serving you in office today. If they are your representatives shouldn’t they represent your views and vaules. Right? Truth is that over half of those suits in Washington don’t know their ass from a whole in the ground.
Why aren’t we holding their feet to the fire like our bosses at work do? If we tried pulling the kind of bullshit they pull at our work places we would be out the door.
This morning I heard congressman Costello (D-IL) on the news talking about the problems with the FAA. He said the Republicans were at fault for all the over site taking place. So, I called Costello later in the day. He wasn’t there, but I managed to leave a message with his associate. I told her I was tried of hearing him blame someone else for his own problems, and asked why doesn’t the congressman just roll up his sleeves and go to work to fix the problem. Well, all I got was this thank you for your comment crap. Typical.
Now is the time to make your choice. You can stand by and do nothing, as most Americans do, as the left erodes the values and beliefs our fore fathers set in place for this great country. Or, you can make a difference now.
Lets make our representatives (sate and federal) more accountable. Below you’ll find two easy ways to contact your representatives.

Let’em know you count, bury your boot in they're ass.

Friday, May 11, 2007

"We... salute you."

One of my favorite movies on the big screen is “Gettysburg”. This movie holds true to the great spirit of the American solider.
Below is a quote from within the movie by Jeff Daniels, who is playing the part of a great military legend, Major General Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain. He is speaking about one of the brightest military leaders the world has ever seen. The great Roman, Julius Caesar.
As powerful as this quote maybe by itself, it is even more so when you see the performance Jeff Daniels did with it.

In the Roman civil war, Julius Caesar knew he had to march on Rome, which no legion was permitted to do. Marcus Lucanus left us a chronicle of what happened. "How swiftly Caesar has smoted the mighty alps and in his mind conceived immense upheavals in the coming war. When he reached the water of the little Rubicon, clearly to the leader through the murky night appeared a mighty image of his country in distress. Grief in her face, her white hair streaming from her tower crowned head. With tresses torn and shoulders bare, she stood before him and sighing said, "Where further do you march? Where do you take my standards warriors? If lawfully you come, if as citizens, this far only is allowed." Then trembling struck the leader's limbs, his hair grew stiff and weakness checked his progress, holding his feet at the rivers edge. At last he speaks, "Oh Thunderer, surveying Rome's walls from the Tarpeian Rock. Oh Phrygian and House gods of Ulysses, Clan and Mystery of Quirinus who was carried off to heaven. Oh Jupiter of Latium seated in lofty Alda and House of Vespa. Oh Rome, equal to the highest deity, favor my plans! Not with envious weapons do I pursue you. Here am I, Caesar, your own soldier everywhere. Now too, if I am permitted, the man who makes ME your enemy, it is he who will be the guilty one." Then he broke the barrier of war and through the swollen river swiftly took his standards. Caesar crossed the flood and reached the opposite bank. From Hisparie's Forbidden Fields he took his standards said, "Here I abandoned peace and desecrated law; fortune it is you I follow. Farewell to treaties. From now on war is our judge!" Hail Caesar! We who are about to die salute you!”

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Whats this hogwash about leaving Iraq before we get the job done. You Dems are a bunch of pussies.
Attention Harry Reid, please stand upright. We are tired of listening to you talk out of your ass.
Pelosi should shut her trap. I’d send over my dog over to kick her ass if I was sure he wouldn’t catch anything form doing it.
FYI: you can’t support our beloved men and women in uniform if do not support their mission. Wake the hell up.
I have never seen such a bunch of gutless bastards like the Democrats. How the hell did they get elected to serve our great country?
War. Yes this is a war. And, last time I checked you win a war one battle at a time. We haven’t lost a battle yet, not one. So, what hell is this talk about losing?
War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula.
Now, it is true that we have lost many precious men and women in this war. We cannot change that fact. But, we are most certainly not are losing this war.
We have assembled in Iraq the greatest and finest trained fighting force the world has ever seen.

Whatever the outcome, remember; they never gave up, even if you gave up on them.

"I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. . . . You ask,what is our policy? I say it is to wage war by land, sea, and air. War with all our might and with all the strength God has given us, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory. Victory at all costs - Victory inspite of all terrors - Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival."
- Winston Churchill